The grass is greener on the other side, is the most accurate saying that agrees with everything we go through or do in our life. Each of us deals with and processes coping mechanisms and ways of dealing differently and, at the same time, chooses to just suffer our problems and challenges no matter what. We all experience our fair share of difficulties and obstacles. The root of the entire conundrum starts or continues with just living life on one’s own whim.
That being said, moving to Berlin, Germany, where I’ve been living for six months now, has been the craziest and most surreal experience of my life. No one can prepare you for the unpredictable nature of a shift in culture and country, trust me when I say that. The odd thing is that no matter how well-prepared you are, you will still get your own special delivery of raw and unknown repercussions.
Therefore, I must share some of my wisdom with you all:
- The locals are fairly laid back and respect personal space. Although you will run into many individuals from patriarchal nations in Berlin because of the city’s diverse population, remember that ignorance is bliss.
- The local climate has an impact on how individuals behave and feel. In the summer, they are the happiest, cosiest, and most stylish group of individuals, and in the winter, they are unpleasant and uninteresting with no sense of style. Â Summers are perfect for vacations and hitting the beach with friends.
- You need to have a good personality for not just grabbing your dream job but also Apartment and Friends here. However, for better prospects, you must have a secure financial situation.
- It’s simple to get work in delivery and warehouse, but it takes a lot of muscle and endurance. Additionally, the average student employment pays €12 per hour. It’s also challenging to become a Werkstudent i.e. working student jobs.
- Working while studying is not a piece of cake and taking this lightly is the biggest mistake everyone makes. In Germany, you get only 3 attempts to clear an exam; if you fail them, you will be ex-matriculated from the university. There is an option of appeal and another option of filing a petition which is an expensive process with a lawyer’s salary starting from €500. You can also change your study program for better opportunities.
- Since they will be working and earning money for their daily expenditures of food, monthly rent, and college tuition, most students take semester breaks from their studies.
- Remember that your health is the most important aspect of you, therefore try not to become de-motivated or overworked as a result of not finding adequate part-time employment. Just make an effort to have as much fun as you can while gaining knowledge of the local customs.
I still have a lot to learn, and I still find every day to be difficult since things are done differently here than they are in my own country. I make an effort to live, or perhaps I should say to live as much as I can, in order to prevent my inner demons from erupting and winning.
Also Read:
– Berlin Diaries: A Week in the Capital of Germany
– Berliner Life: A Month in the Capital of Germany
– The Reality of Living Abroad