A wandering soul finding solace in the tidbits of life and the little things it has to offer. She enjoys watching movies, singing, reading books and above all, experiencing adventures of life.
Episode 4 of Falcon and the Winter Soldier was more brutal with action-packed. The episode started with Ayo making Bucky remember the ways Wakanda helped...
Taylor Swift - The country music singer-songwriter turned pop singer-songwriter has one of the best songs in the history of Music. From Love Story to...
Half of the population went into BLIP for 5 years. The survived original Avengers along with Captain Marvel, Rocket, Okoye, War Machine and Nebula were...
Corona Virus aka COVID 19 has again gripped lives in its hands. Every day thousands of people are getting affected directly or indirectly. The sudden increase...
The world is approaching the end with climate change, zoonotic diseases and warfare weapons. The prevailing situation in the country and the globe is getting...
We were all excited when we heard about Zack Snyder's Justice League Cut releasing after months of petitioning as we were unhappy with Joss Whedon's...