What your Spirit Animal symbolizes?
Songs that Make Life Better
The hit song from the 90s pop boy band continues to be relevant and influential today. It’s entertaining and appealing to sing along to even if it makes no sense.
The truth of Life as we know it and yet Ignore
Why do certain family members stay away from their family alone and unmarried for life? We all know, they wanted peace and someone who can comprehend them, not tame them.
Why Do Superheroes Have So Many Love Interests?
3 reasons for which any crime happens – Love, Money and Revenge. But in the superhero world, there is a 4th reason – Greater Good.
Best Day Ever in Berlin, Guess Not!
We are not in a relationship. What do you expect from me? Then my girlfriend enters the kitchen. Yeah, I like her and she likes me.
Struggles of Dating in the Modern World
The dating world is continuing to thrive thanks to the social media platforms where people upload their pictures to sway other people away.
Berlin Diaries: A Week in the Capital of Germany
What are the Top 10 Human Obsessions?
Sex is one of the most desired things in the world, making it one of the subjects of human obsession. The sources that increase a person’s addiction to them include pornographic websites, sex games, sex magazines, tv shows, and movies.